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New EU priorities and the need to foster solidarity and intercultural dialogue...
In the first half of September, a series of five-day programs will be held in our village.
The main objectives of the project will be to:
- organization of a meeting of citizens from the partner settlements of 4 European countries - Hungary, Romania, Slovakia (EU Member States) and Serbia (candidate country) - Boda, Jászladány, Racu, Brestovec and Trešnjevac,
- initiate discussions; The future of Europe in the context of current political changes, solidarity between partner settlements and the need for intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding of national diversity and communities.
- promoting civic participation in EU policy-making processes and developing opportunities for civic participation and volunteering.
Date of the program: 02.09.2021-05.09.2021
Location of the program: Racu, Romania

Events calendar

Safeguarding Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in the Context of European Citizenship

The general objective of the project was to raise people’s awareness of the importance of language education and of each language, as well as to enhance respect for all the languages spoken by different peoples across Europe and to increase linguistic and cultural awareness.
The five SafeCult partners from Romania, Slovakia and Hungary exchanged innovative approaches between countries to share best practices.
The project is also aimed at promoting language learning and lifelong learning. Partners exchanged innovative approaches between countries to share best practices across the whole linguistic and cultural sector.
More information

05 october 2023 Further ►

New EU priorities and the need to foster solidarity and intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding in the context of a multinational environment,

Participation: The project involved 502 citizens, notably 40 participants from the city of Jászladány, Hungary, 40 from Boda, Hungary, 46 from the city of Brestovec, Slovakia and 50 participants from the city of Trešnjevac (Oromhegyes), Serbia. 326 participants came from Racu (Romania) and its surrounding in Romania. Location/ Dates: The event took place in Racu, Romania, from 02/09/2021 to 05/09/2021
 Short description

20 september 2021 Further ►
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